Japanese Vocabulary Quiz & Flashcards with Images and Audio|JLPT N5,N4,N3,N2,N1|NihonGoi
漢字 Learn Kanji Learn Nouns Learn Verbs
日本語 English 한국어 繁體中文 简体中文 Tiếng Việt ภาษาไทย Indonesia Español Português (BR) Русский

What is NihonGoi?

A service specialized for Japanese vocabulary learning

Learn vocabulary through quizzes and flashcards

Review efficiently with spaced repetition system

Check pronunciation with audio playback

Understand concepts through images

Covers JLPT N5 to N1

How to Use

1. Learn with quizzes

Learn new kanji and vocabulary. Attempted questions are added to review quizzes.

2. Challenge review quizzes

Complete all review quizzes for the day. The review interval increases with each correct answer.

3. Repeat 1 and 2 daily

In review quizzes, questions are automatically selected by the spaced repetition system. You just need to challenge quizzes as much as you like every day and complete all review quizzes for the day.

Detailed instructions

Update Information

Verb quizzes have been added.
Review with spaced repetition system is now available.
The URL has changed to
Noun quizzes have been added.
Added audio to quizzes.
All updates